Friday, September 6, 2013

International Spaceflight Museum at Spaceport Alpha

The International Spaceflight Museum at Spaceport Alpha educates visitors on the history of space flight with trivia games identifying important events and significant scientists.  On display are models of important tools of research such as the space shuttle Endeavor, the Hubble Telescope and the International Space Station, along with text providing interesting facts about these objects and markers for the different displays link to an external wiki where those wanting more information will find an impressive list of exhibits at the museum. Visitors can teleport to different planets (in order from Mercury to Pluto) where they can also learn about the specific spacecraft that have visited each one and when, making information that might otherwise be forgotten more accessible.  Through the magic of Second Life, you can observe each planet in its orbit, surrounded by distant stars and nearby moons. It certainly beats learning about the science of space exploration from making those solar system models that we all made at one time or another during our childhood years in school!  When you need a break from shopping and clubs, this is a quiet yet interesting alternative.

Something New For Me to Do in SL

A search using the word "museum" brings up 562 I go....Wonder what I'll find?