Sunday, June 7, 2009

Virtual Harlem is Growing

Virtual Harlem is an educational sim representing Harlem, NY as it existed during the Jazz Age of the 1920s and early 30s. This environment is designed to encourage interaction between students, business owners specializing in items related to the period, educators and researchers working on a team to add educational and experiential content to the environment, developers working to make the environment more efficient while offering the widest set of possibilities, entertainers interested in exposing an audience interested in early 20th century Jazz Culture, who are all interested in working within a representation of American, African American and Parisian Jazz culture.
Virtual Harlem has expanded to a second sim! Come by and visit this historical recreation of the site of the Harlem Renaissance, and see the streets of the Manhattan neighborhood where artists and writers like Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Countee Cullen, and James Weldon Johnson walked and worked and partied. There are lovely brownstones available for rental, equipped with fireplaces and charming hardwood floors, and commercial spaces as well, perfect for galleries or designers of vintage clothing and antique furniture. Enjoy the educational displays on all facets of this important and vibrant African American cultural movement--the literary and visual arts, performance in dance, jazz, blues, dramatic plays, musicals and early independent motion pictures--and the people whose commercial and creative talents helped make the Jazz Age possible. Slip into your best flapper dress or vintage tuxedo, and stop by the Apollo Theater for poetry slams and other live performances; celebrate in more sacred ways at the Abyssinian Baptist Church where Adam Clayton Powell once preached. This space serves as a welcome center for Virtual Harlem 2
The National Black Programming Consortium/Black Public Media.Org has exhibit space here, and live music performances are also staged at the Cotton Club. The Cotton Club has a very elegant retro vibe perfect for making visitors feel like they are experiencing the best that SL has to offer; a dance floor is well-equipped with couple dances, and a HUD is available for teleporting across the Harlem sims, as well as the planned addition, Montmartre. This new addition represents the close connections between Harlem's political and artistic elites with those in France, students, musicians, and writers, both American expatriates and French colonial citizens pushing for independence, who would go on to create a movement of their own, Negritude. Right on Seventh Avenue across the street from the Cotton Club, my friend Eladrienne Laval pays tribute to her grandparents in her store atELier, featuring her beautiful designs for dresses perfect for stepping out when stepping back in time! I am looking forward to seeing what the manager here, Candace McMillan, will be adding next, and if you are interested in having an event here or renting commercial or residential space, contact her by IM or notecard. Upcoming events include an in-world class on African American culture on June 22 at 0800 SLT and a Second Salon book club discussion on June 28 at 1230 SLT. Look for historic characters who reside in Virtual Harlem: W.E.B Dubois, Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen and Charles S. Johnson; the Virtual Harlem Trolley Tour is ongoing... just sit on the trolley in order to take the tour around Harlem. See the Lafayette Theater, the Savoy Ballroom, and the Schomburg Library, all places rich with history!

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